
Teng   June 26, 2016   2 Comments on Hiking

We went to the Lake Serene and Bridal Veil Falls yesterday, totally 7 people. Tang Aimin, me and his roommates.

At first, I though this is a casual hiking trip, just like we went to the Davis Lake or Black River Forest last time. Yet, I was totally wrong. Let me tell you some statistics first: we spent 6 hours on walking 10.6 mi and climbing 2000 ft. The road is very rocky and cliffy, as you can see from the pictures. Nevertheless, all the efforts will be awarded by the beautiful scenes.

In here, the hiking trip leads us to two places: the Lake Serene and a water fall. The Lake Serene is on top of the mountain. That’s why we need to climb a hill and walk a long way. The water of the water fall comes from the Lake Serene and flows down hill (illustrated in the first picture).

The water fall is amazing caused it is my first time to get so close to a water fall. The visit last time (https://blog.twei7.com/water-fall/) is too far away. You could experience the power of water by watching the video at last.

The Lake Serene is very beautiful, just like its name Serene. You could forget anything else by sitting here and watching it. There are two bikini foreign girls sitting on the rock (hope you don’t mind😀). I really admire their courage, because they just jump into the water from the rock. You have to know the water is very cold. This is on top of a mountain. There are some snows on it. The water of the lake is coming from the melting snows. Thus, literally, this is iced water, but they just jump into it. I have already felt like frozen by touching the water using hand.

Then I realize there are lots of hiking trails in the Washington State, because there are lots of mountains here. They are all within in 3 hours drive from Seattle. The one we visit this time is 1 hour drive. Even you go to hiking every week, you could probably enjoy a different place for over a year. The weather is just like the spring all the year, not too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. I think that why so many people love here.

Page 1: Introduction
Page 2: Some photos
Page 3: More photos
Page 4: Videos

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