Remove Disk From LVM

Teng   January 15, 2017   No Comments on Remove Disk From LVM
  • First, we unmount.

# sudo umount /dev/vg_blah/lv_blah

  • set active:

vgchange -ay

  • Check the file system.

# sudo e2fsck -f /dev/vg_blah/lv_blah

  • shrink ext4:

resize2fs -p /dev/VolGrp000/root 10G

  • Resize the file system and the logical volume. Doing this in one step can avoid mistakes which cause dataloss. (Note lvreduce parameter -L interprets G as 2^30 bytes and g as 10^9 bytes.)

# sudo lvreduce --resizefs -L 9G /dev/vg_blah/lv_blah

  • pvmove /dev/hdb
  • (optional) Remove a physical drive from the volume group if desired (if you now have an unused drive).

# sudo vgreduce vg_blah /dev/sdxy


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